
Article V, Section 3 of the Bylaws establishes Neighborhood Committees for each of the 42 neighborhoods within Wyndham.  Each Neighborhood Committee consists of two (2) members.  The members of each Neighborhood Committee shall be elected by the vote of Owners of units within that Neighborhood at an annual meeting of such Owners.  Committee members shall be elected for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected.  Each Neighborhood Committee shall elect a chairman from among its members who shall preside at its meetings and who shall be responsible for transmitting any and all communications to the Board of Directors and shall be the Voting Member from the neighborhood.  The other committee member would serve as the alternate voting member.

General Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for casting the vote for their neighborhood and, in accordance with the Documents, may cast all votes as he or she, in his or her discretion, deems appropriate in the best interest of The Wyndham Foundation.
  • Attend Scheduled Board Meetings – Board Meetings generally held four – five times a year.  Each Voting Member receives notice of the meeting along with an agenda.
  • Have the ability to petition the President to call a special meeting provided that petition is signed by at least 10% of the Voting Members (Article II, Section 4 of Bylaws).
  • Have the ability to remove a Board member by the votes of a majority of Voting Members (Article III, Section 7 of Bylaws).
  • Should provide feedback to the other homeowners within their neighborhood about Board actions.  The point is to be available for communication.

Provide an additional route of communication to the Board.